
By RandyYoumans

Top 10 Blue-Coloured Birds

Bluebirds are most commonly found in North America, such as bluebirds and members of the bunting family. Bluebirds such as the Indigo, Male Eastern Bluebird and Lazuli Buntings make up the best examples in the world. There are many bird species that come in different colours, shapes, and sizes. It’s fascinating to discover the undiscovered birds with different colour patterns. Here’s a list of blue-coloured birds.

1.Hyacinth Macaws

The brightest-blue parrot species is the Hyacinth macaw. They have a yellow eye-ring around large, black eyes. Also, they have a hooked beak and a yellow chin. There are two toes, one in front and one back. The animal can reach 100 cm in height and weighs between 1,550 and 1,600 gms. It eats fruits, nuts, seeds, and berries. It takes 29 days for the bird to incubate and then it lays 2 to 3 eggs. The young birds remain with their parents for between 4 and 1 year. In the wild, the species can live for 30-50 years. It thrives in forests and swamps with palms and trees.

2.Blue and Black Tanager

Blue and black Tanager, a species of blue-and-blackbirds that is part of the Thraupidae family, is brightly coloured and belongs to the Thraupidae family. The blue plumage is distinctive, with the exception of the black tail primaries. It can grow to approximately 9 to 28 cm in height and weighs between 8.5 and 40 grams. It is usually found in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. The incubation period lasts 13 to 15 days. It thrives in the vicinity of rivers and lakes. It is believed to have approximately 10,000 mature birds. Male and female are the same, and can’t be distinguished by their markings.

3.Indigo Buntings

Indigo Buntings, also known as Cardinalidae, is one of many amazing blue birds. It is a migratory bird and can be found in northern Florida, southern Canada, and northern Florida during breeding season. It is found in northern South America and Florida during winter. This bird species thrives in open woodland, brush areas, and farmland. It is closely related with lazuli bunting, and can interbreed with other species in areas where their ranges overlap. Indigo Buntings can reach lengths of 11.5-13 cm. The male and female have different colouration. The male species is bright blue during summer and has brightly coloured plumage in the breeding season. The summer months are dominated by insects, while the winter months are dominated by seeds.

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4.Blue jay

Blue jays are a member of the crow family. These birds were most commonly seen in South Canada and the Eastern and Central parts of North America. It thrives in mixed, deciduous and coniferous forests. It can grow to 9 to 12 inches long and weighs 2.5 to 3.5 ounces. The appearance is a blue-blue color with a white belly, throat, and face. It has a wingspan of 13 to 17 inches. The species can fly at speeds of 20 to 25 miles an hour. The avarage bird is a diurnal bird and is active during the day. It eats seeds, nuts, fruits, insects, eggs, and young birds. In captivity, the avarage can live up to 26 years and live in the wild for 7 years.

5.Blue Grosbeak

Blue Grosbeak, a colourful medium-sized bird of the Cardinalidae family, is one example. It can grow to approximately 14 to 19 cm in length and weighs between 26 and 31.5 grams. It can be found in North and Central America. The appearance is quite different between males and females. Males are mainly blue, while the females are mostly brown. Their large, distinctive bill and double wings bars can help identify them. These birds are social and are often seen together to feed before the migrations. Although they eat mainly insects, they will also eat seeds, bugs, snails, spiders and wild fruits.

6.Barn swallow

Barn swallow is a migratory songbird that can be found in the group of songbirds. Six subspecies are currently known to be found in the north hemisphere, including Europe, Asia and Africa. These birds can grow to approximately 6.7 to 7.75 inches in length, and weigh between 0.56 and 0.78 ounces. The length of the tail feathers is 0.79 to 2.76 inches. The body is covered in blue feathers, while the bottom is white. Uniquely, the dark blue line that separates the lower and upper parts of the body is the most striking feature. Natural predators include cats, hawks and gulls. In the wild, an avarage lives for 11 years. However, they live only 4 years.

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7.Belted Kingfisher

The Belted Kingfisher is most often seen above lakes and rivers, but can also be seen perched on a snag, hovering or perched high. It is a member the kingfisher family and can be found in all areas of northern Mexico. Its total wingspan is 48-58 cm. The range of bird species includes North America, Central America and northern South America. However, in winter, they migrate from colder northern latitudes to warmer, tropical areas. It eats mostly fish between 9-14 cm in length. It also eats molluscs and crustaceans, amphibians and amphibians, lizards and nesting birds like sparrows and quails.

8.Eastern Bluebird

The family of thrushes includes the cute and small Eastern Bluebird. There are currently 8 species of eastern bluebirds, most commonly found in North and Central America. This bird species thrives in open spaces with scattered trees, grasslands, forests, and open areas. The bird can grow to approximately 0.9 to 1 ounces in length and can reach heights of 6.3 to 8.3 inches. Although both males and women are similar in appearance, females tend to be smaller than the males. It is also active during the day and eats crickets, grasshoppers, and other beetles in the summer. It eats honeysuckle, berries and grapes in winter. In captivity, the avarage can live up to 10 years and can live for 6 years in wild.

9.Mountain Bluebird

The Mountain Bluebird, also known as the Arctic Bluebird, is a member of the Turdidae family. You can easily identify the bird species by the bright, vivid blue plumage of males. The males are mostly grey, with a bluish tint to the wings. It mainly eats insects like Hemiptera and Coleoptera. It can also eat a variety of plants, including fruits, seeds, and berries. It can be found in eastern and central Alaska, as well as central and western Canada. They are about 27 to 34 grams in weight. The species’ total wingspan is between 25 and 32 cm. It can live for 6 to 9 years wild.

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10.Western bluebird

The Western Bluebird, a small and beautiful blue bird that is part of North American Thrush, is one of many. William John Swainson, an English naturalist, described the bird species in 1832. He gave it the binomial name Sialia Mexicana. The bird can grow to 15-18 cm in length. Male and female appearances are different. The males are brightly blue with orange sides and tops, while the females have a darker blue body and wings, and a grey belly. It eats worms and fruits, but it can also eat aerial prey like insects when they are available.