
By RandyYoumans

5 Popular Black Birds with Blue Head

Birds are one of the most beautiful and amazing creations of nature. There are approximately 10,000 bird species that can be viewed around the globe, from the frozen Antarctica to the tropical rainforests of South America. Birds are an integral part of our lives and many people wish to fly like them. There are many different colours of birds. Here’s a list of blue-headed blackbirds.

1.Purple Sunbird

Purple Sunbirds can be identified by their metallic blue and purple overall, with maroon feathers at the breast. Non-breeding males have blackish upperparts, yellow underparts, and a blue-black strip running down the chest and throat. It is a beautiful, black bird with a blue head. The Purple-rumped Sunbirds are a different species. They can be identified by their yellow throats. While both males and women eat nectar, they can also be seen eating insects. A male purple sunbird would sing while fluttering its wings to attract a female.

This bird is part of the sunbird family. It can be found in South and Southeast Asia, but also west to parts of the Arabian Peninsula. Because they need a darkened shade of mettalic purple under bright sunlight, and when it is exposed to direct sunlight, it can appear completely black. However, the true color is a mixture of the blue and grossed feathers. The bird can be found breeding throughout the year, except during the coldest weeks of December through mid-January. Although the purple sunbird produces a lot of sounds, they aren’t very loud.

2.Common grackle

Common grackle, a black bird with a blue head, is part of the Passeriformes family and belongs to the Icteridae. These bird species are more likely to flourish in areas with open woodlands and marshes than in suburban parks and other urban settings. It is best to watch for large flocks or starlings to find the bird. The Common Grackles are the tallest and longest-tailed blackbirds. It preys upon invertebrates and mice. Small fish can pick the leeches from turtles’ legs, steal American Robins’ worms, raid nests and kill adult birds.

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It can be seen flying in large numbers with other bird species during winter. The first recorded Common Grackle was a 23-year-old male that was shot and killed by a raptor from Minnesota. Carl Linnaeus first identified it in 1758. At present, three subspecies of Common Grackle are known: the Florida grackle (purple grackle), and the bronzed. It used to be 28-34 cm long and had a wingspan between 36 and 46 cm. It will weigh between 74 and 142 grams.


Rook bird is an order member of Corvidae, the passerine family of birds. It can be found in the Palearctic region of Scandinavia, western Europe and eastern Siberia. They are a large, black-feathered bird. This species can be distinguished by a whitish area of featherless on their faces. Rook likes to nest in tall trees close to farms and villages. The bird species’ nest is called rookeries. This bird is a resident and is usually seen in groups during winter.

Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish naturalist, gave one of the black birds with blue heads rook a name in 1758 in Systema Naturae. The bird is quite large and can grow to approximately 44-46 cm in length. It weighs between 280-340 g and has a total wingspan of around 81-99 cm. The bird’s black feathers can be bluish-purple or blueish-purple in bright sunlight. The feathers around the neck, shoulders and head are dense and silky. Although it prefers to eat earthworms and larvae, it will also eat small mammals, birds, eggs, and their young.


Starlings, small- to medium-sized passerine bird species that are part of the Sturnidae family, are small to medium sized passerine birds. There are currently 114 species known of starlings. The most well-known is Sternus vulgaris, also known as the common starling. The species’ average lifespan is between 2 and 12 years, depending on their species. Although the bird species is native to Europe, Asia, and Africa, they can also be found in northern Australia and on the islands of the tropical Pacific. Starlings are gregarious and social. It used to make its nest by digging holes. The eggs are either blue or white. It can produce four to five eggs in a total clutch, which takes 12 days to incubate.

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The birds can form large, faster flocks called murmurations. They move in sync in order to avoid predators and in synchrony. It can have up to 1.5 million birds. They are most commonly found in urban centres, woodlands, and reedbeds. Starlings eat primarily insects and fruits. These species are important for the dispersers and spreaders of seeds on continents Asia and Africa. After 21 days, the chicks begin to develop their feathers.

5.Purple Martin

The purple martin, a common and beautiful bird, is most commonly seen in North America. They have blackish-blue plumage and, in sunlight, can appear as bright blue, navy, or deep purple. It prefers to breed from central Alberta through the eastern United States. They are migratory passerines and make a short stop in Cuba or the Yucatan Peninsula during their pre-breeding migration to North America, as well as during post-breeding migration.

This bird is known for its speed, agility, and flight patterns. They would dive out of the sky with their wings folded as soon as they reached their nesting area. The bird can reach up to 20 cm in length and have a 38 cm wingspan. They are the largest of the 90 species of the Hirundinidae family. It is approximately 45-60g in weight and migrates to Amazon basin in winter. It was first discovered in Europe in Lewis, Scotland, in 2004. The second was found in the Azores in September 2004.